Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 Last week I changed the engine oil & filter and replaced the raw water impeller. It was only 11 hours since last change. I also learned Speed Seal is out of business so no more spare parts are available.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Today with the help of Grant Ball we installed new cabin port lights on the boat. They were made by Bomon in Canada. Because the new port lights were longer we had to cut the cabin opening with a saber saw. The internal window lip also needed to be cut away. Grant made a template so we could mark the opening for the cuts. A dusty mess was created.

Here is the port side installed and the pattern Grant made up he used to mark the holes for cutting:

  These are the starboard side opening cut out for the new port lights. Some core was exposed which I sealed with penetrating epoxy.
 Here are the starboard side port lights after installation.
 Here are the port side port lights installed
The port lights seal to the cabin top with foam tape. I did a hose down test and didn't see any leaks. Whew.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Got a new main sail cover this month from Mauri.
It came 15" too long but they fixed it.